DESTRA english version
portuguese version

2000 Sea Of Doubt CD

2004 Joe`s Rhapsody CD

Sea Of Doubt   Joe`s Rhapsody  

Destra 2004 Wieder eine talentierte Band aus den unerschöpflichen Reserven von Sao Paulo! Diese christlichen Jungs um die Brüder Ricardo (bass, key.) und Eduardo Parronchi (guit.) sind seit 1997 zusammen. Zuerst hatten sie den Namen AQUILA, wechselten dann aber 1999 in DESTRA. Sie spielen guten melodischen und progressiven Metal. Ihre CD erschien auf dem "Destroyer" Label, welches normalerweise nur exreme Bands veröffentlicht. Sänger Neno Fernando ging im Jahre 2002 nach ABSTRACT SHADOWS. In Magazinen war von ihnen nicht viel zu lesen! Die zweite CD ist sehr professionell gemacht, und enthält eine grosse Bandbreite, von Hard Rock, Progressiv Metal, bis zu Heavy Metal. Als letztes gibt es noch einen reinen Gospel Song. Vielleicht steigert sich ihre Bekanntheit ja nach diesem Album!

Another talented band from the endless reserves of Sao Paulo! The christian guys around the brothers Ricardo (bass, key.) and Eduardo Parronchi (guit.) are together since 1997. The first name was AQUILA, and they changed it in 1999 to DESTRA. They play good melodic and progressive Metal. The CD was released at the "Destroyer" label, which normaly works only with more exreme bands. Singer Neno Fernando went in 2002 to the band ABSTRACT SHADOWS. In brazilian Metal homepages were no informations and in magazines was not much to read about them! The second CD is very professional made, and contains a wide range, from Hard Rock, Progressiv Metal, till Heavy Metal. At last track they play a pure gospel song. May be another album will spread their recognition! Homepage:

Outra talentosa banda vinda de São Paulo. Os rapazes, além dos irmãos Ricardo (b e k) e Eduardo Parronchi (g), estão juntos desde 1997. O primeiro nome foi AQUILA e mudaram para DESTRA em 1999. Eles tocam um bom Metal Melódico e progressivo. O CD foi lançado pela gravadora "Destroyer", a qual geralmente só trabalha com bandas mais extremas. O vocalista Neno Fernando veio da banda ABSTRACT SHADOWS em 2002. Nas páginas web e revistas brasileiras não há muitas informações sobre eles, talvez um outro álbum trará algum reconhecimento.